200. Southport, LANCASHIRE.

In 1969, something of a sensation was caused at the Palace Hotel...

[Birkdale Palace Hotel has since been demolished – the Fishermens Rest (formerly the Birkdale Palace Coach House) is the only part of the Hotel to remain]

DWAHMNjWsAEz6r9Peter Holloway (@duneprints); Stormy Pier, Southport (2018)

DV6RJPMXcAEqfUrPeter Holloway (@duneprints); High key sunset, Southport (2018)

birkdale_palace_map.gif20099947911_bd3d0224be_bDQRc_wkWsAAvGS-Cheshire Lines; Looking Towards Birkdale Palace Hotel (1968) [via @angelcakephotos]

ABR_VIS_211216PALACEHOTEL-07An aerial view of the Palace Hotel in Birkdale [via Andrew Brown (@visandrewbrown@Visiter]

ABR_VIS_211216PALACEHOTEL-04The dining room at the Palace Hotel in Birkdale [via Andrew Brown (@visandrewbrown@Visiter]

ABR_VIS_211216PALACEHOTEL-05The bar at the Palace Hotel in Birkdale [via Andrew Brown (@visandrewbrown@Visiter]


DTMeQ6fX4AEmiM3Guests at the Palace Hotel [via The MALESTROM (@themalestromHQ)]

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f4Zs5(The Palace prior to being demolished)

C7tICXaWsAEHwhHNo Laying Up (@NoLayingUp) Royal Birkdale Golf Course [the original site of the hotel] (2017)

Ce7-oJIW4AAtirx.jpgAndrew Brown (@visandrewbrown) Fisherman’s Rest (2016)

Visit Southport, LANCASHIRE on the Gazetteer of British Ghosts Google Map